
WHAT are we doing to show that?

Below are highlights since our 2015 CSR report.

Investing to Improve Air Quality

Ameren has achieved dramatic decreases in SO2 and NOx emissions during the past two and a half decades, despite society’s growing energy needs. In Missouri, we have made substantial investments to improve air quality and voluntarily installed ambient air-quality monitoring systems at the Labadie and Rush Island energy centers.

Learn more about our efforts to manage emissions and greenhouse gases.

Ameren has realized dramatic emissions reductions over the last 20 years. Among other actions, we have made significant investments to improve air quality.

Labadie Monitor

Ameren is confident our new network of air monitors (such as at Labadie Energy Center, shown here) is proving that air quality near our energy centers is good. We will continue to monitor actual SO2 emissions to demonstrate compliance with Environmental Protection Agency standards.


Down 31


SO2 Emissions

Down 42


CO2 Emissions

Down 24


*Ameren Missouri emissions for calendar year 2015 compared to 2011.

Responsible Land Owners

Ameren is connected to the land that helps power our business, so we must protect that land for future generations. This means undertaking a range of efforts, some of which include:

Remediating Manufactured Gas Plants (MGPs)

We are evaluating and remediating former MGPs. Representatives of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) and Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR) help us oversee technical aspects of the cleanup work in both states, and they also are involved in community outreach.

Responsible Landfill Storage

We’ve started construction on a state-of-the-art dry landfill at the Labadie Energy Center and expect the project to be completed by December 2016. Landfill storage offers an industry-best storage solution for coal ash and is the responsible action for the environment. Once the landfill is operational, the current disposal technology, ash ponds, can be discontinued.

Managing Coal Ash

Rules from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) related to coal combustion residuals (CCRs) took effect in October 2015. The rules apply to our Labadie, Rush Island, Sioux and Meramec energy centers. Ameren is complying with the requirements of the rules, designating that CCRs be managed as non-hazardous waste. We have decades of experience managing coal ash in a safe and environmentally responsible way.

See more on CCR management.

Protecting Water

Although our facilities are geographically situated in an area of ample water supply, we strive to minimize the impact of our operations on water quality and use.

We track water levels on surrounding watersheds. This daily data informs our use of hydroelectric generation and can alert us to any stressed water level conditions. Historically, water availability within our system has not been cause for concern.

The Clean Water Act establishes limitations on thermal discharges from industrial sources such as power plants. The DNR, through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program, regulates our cooling water discharges. The Labadie Energy Center’s NPDES permit became effective in August 2015. We have filed permit renewal applications for our Rush Island, Sioux and Meramec energy centers.

Discover more about our efforts to protect water.