HOW are we performing?
As part of our sustainability initiative, Ameren has sought to assess our performance—what we’re doing well and what we can do better. Members of Ameren’s corporate social responsibility Steering Committee collaborated to consider enterprise-level categories, areas of success and areas for improvement. Additional guidance was provided by Executive Leadership and subject-matter experts. In this area, we asked, “How well does Ameren balance providing reasonably priced service to our customers and the communities we serve with limiting the impact on the environment?” Our assessment covers the past several years and is current through March 1, 2016.
Priorities | Successes | Opportunities | |
Cleaner, more diverse power-generation sources |
Investing $3 billion in Federal Energy Regulatory Commission-regulated transmission infrastructure projects from 2016 to 2020 to help bring renewable power to the Midwest and maintain and improve reliability.
Helping improve regional air quality by reducing our SO2 levels by 42%, reducing NOx levels by 31%, and reducing CO2 levels by 24% from 2011-2015. Installed mercury control technology at our Labadie, Meramec, Rush Island and Sioux energy centers as part of efforts to reduce emissions, making the air cleaner. Installed enhanced particulate control technology at our Labadie Energy Center to further reduce emissions that are already significantly below current state and federal air quality requirements. Extension of the operating license of our Callaway Energy Center, which is recognized as one of the safest and highest performing non-carbon-producing generating centers in the United States. |
Working to responsibly transition to a cleaner and more diverse generation portfolio for Ameren Missouri. | |
Responsible energy policy |
Advocating for responsible energy policies and working with regulatory agencies in Missouri and Illinois to develop state implementation plans that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the reliability and affordability of electricity for all of our customers. | Continuing to make the transition to cleaner energy generation in a responsible manner while maintaining the reliability our customers expect.
Continuing to operate in accordance with Ameren Missouri’s 2014 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), which provides the necessary framework to responsibly transition to a cleaner and more diverse generation portfolio over the next 20 years. |
Water conservation and quality |
Developing an effective plan of action in response to the EPA’s revised effluent guidelines for the steam electric power sector. The plan will ensure the water in our region remains safe and clean. As good stewards of the environment, Ameren Missouri is committed to protecting all natural resources, including water.
Developing an effective plan of action in response to the EPA’s coal combustion residuals (CCR) rules, designating that CCRs be managed as non-hazardous waste. The rules apply to our Labadie, Rush Island, Sioux and Meramec energy centers. |
Continuing to execute our strategy to comply with the new effluent guidelines.
Continuing to manage CCRs in a safe and environmentally-responsible manner and transition to dry handling of CCRs. |
Reduced environmental impacts |
Recycling more than 112.6 million pounds of material in 2015, including copper, steel, aluminum, plastic and wood. Ameren voluntarily participates in the EPA’s WasteWise program.
Single-stream recycling tonnage continues to increase thanks to co-worker efforts to divert office waste from landfills. More than 7,300 tons of materials have been recycled since 2011. Holding events such as the annual Adopt-the-Shoreline Cleanup at Lake of the Ozarks. In 2015, nearly 515 volunteers worked to clean more than 580 miles of shore and remove 565 cubic yards of trash and more than 29 tons of debris during the cleanup event. Being recognized in 2015 by The Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree Line USA Utility for the 15th consecutive year, for demonstrating practices that protect and enhance trees across our Illinois and Missouri service territory. Initiating water conservation efforts at Ameren facilities in Illinois and Missouri, including our St. Louis headquarters. In 2015, Ameren implemented projects that will save an estimated 7.8 million gallons of water annually as a result of investments we’ve made in new equipment and upgrades. Ameren sponsored St. Louis University’s Sustainable Business Speaker Series in 2015. Remediation of Ameren properties, including manufactured gas plants (MGPs) in Illinois as well as the Ameren Missouri Huster Substation in St. Charles, Mo. |
Working to identify additional water conservation opportunities at our office facilities in Illinois and Missouri.
Strengthening community partnerships and relationships in regards to sustainability and environmental stewardship and seeking additional opportunities in Illinois and Missouri to raise awareness of the importance of these matters. Continuing with our plan of action to become an industry and community leader for sustainability and environmental stewardship throughout our service territories in Illinois and Missouri. |