SEE our support of Ferguson Commission priorities
It takes teamwork to build vibrant communities. As the only company in St. Louis that serves every resident of Ferguson, Missouri, Ameren continues to play an active role in the area’s continued dialogue and healing. In 2015, our company announced a multi-year, $2.5 million initiative to support a variety of organizations and programs—including those related to child well-being, education and job readiness—in communities in St. Louis and North St. Louis County.
This commitment is part of a larger Ameren Cares effort, serving communities throughout our service territory. It aligns with a number of signature priorities identified by the Ferguson Commission (a task force appointed by Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon) and was developed based on input from Ameren co-workers and community leaders.
Ameren is supporting three signature priorities:
1) Educational Partnerships
2) Economic Development
3) Energy Assistance
“Creating a better St. Louis depends on collaboration among businesses, governments, not-for-profit and community organizations. The Commission’s calls to action provide a path to racial equity. Our region welcomes the support of programs such as Ameren Cares with a focus on the policies and programs placing youth at the center and creating opportunities to thrive.”
—Rich McClure
Co-Chair, Ferguson Commission (with Rev. Starsky Wilson)