HOW are we performing?
As part of our sustainability initiative, Ameren has sought to assess our performance—what we’re doing well and what we can do better. Members of Ameren’s internal corporate social responsibility Steering Committee collaborated to consider enterprise-level categories, areas of success and areas for improvement. Additional guidance was provided by our Executive Leadership Team and subject-matter experts. Our assessment covers the past several years and is current through March 1, 2016.
- Ongoing participation in the Carbon Disclosure Project Climate Change and Water Programs. Ameren’s CDP Climate Change score improved from “87/C” in 2014 to “96/C” in 2015. Ameren’s 2015 CDP Water Response received a “B.”
- Ongoing participation in the St. Louis Regional Chamber’s Green Business Challenge. Ameren was among the top performers and received the Award of Merit Level in 2015.
- Sponsoring events such as the Achieving a Sustainable Energy Future Conference in April 2016.
- Ongoing participation in EPRI’s Energy Sustainability Interest Group and Sustainability Benchmarking Project, sharing best practices.
- Active Corporate Sustainability Council supporting sustainability principles.
- Establishing and growing Employee Sustainability Champion Program.
- Participation in the Electric Utility Industry Sustainable Supply Chain Alliance.
- Participation in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s WasteWise program.
- Balancing the needs of multiple diverse stakeholders.
- Improving awareness of sustainability within Ameren’s workforce.
- Developing and achieving additional sustainability goals and key performance indicators to measure our progress.