SEE our commitment to cleaner energy
Ameren is transitioning to a cleaner and more diverse generation portfolio in a responsible fashion. For years, we have been executing our 20-year energy plan that is supported by stakeholders in Missouri. Our planning considers different kinds of electric generation such as renewables, natural gas and nuclear. It takes into consideration factors that affect our decisions, including costs, risks, fuel diversity, customer preferences and economic development opportunities. We’re already making the transition in the most affordable way for our customers.
Ameren is part of a complex industry that requires thoughtful planning about our customers’ long-term energy needs. The reliable service that our customers benefit from today is the result of planning that occurred 10, 15, 20 years ago. The same is true as we look 20 years forward. Our long-term plan is designed to provide service that is safe, reliable and environmentally responsible at a reasonable cost as we transition to cleaner and more diverse sources of energy. Evidence of our commitment includes:
- Expansion of cleaner and diverse energy resources by building additional renewable power to meet customer demand and further diversifying our portfolio by building new natural-gas-fired generation.
- Retiring coal units as they reach their normal end-of-life to minimize customer cost impacts. For decades, coal-fired plants have produced power around the clock. But, these plants are aging and can’t be quickly or easily replaced.
We will continue to execute our 20-year plan and work with stakeholders, the industry and policy leaders in Missouri and Illinois, as well as Washington, D.C., to meet state and federal regulations.